Good psychotherapy is like the forest scene above, a dynamic combination of many elements, including a bridge. Like a bridge, psychotherapy gives you a way to move from where you are to where you would like to be. Like a bridge, psychotherapy is made of many sturdy planks, especially these: the sense that you are respected, that you are heard, that your feelings are received and honored, and that what’s going on with you matters.
Complimentary 15-minute Phone Consultation:
It’s crucial for you to feel heard and understood in therapy. Because this is so important I offer a Complimentary Consultation prior to scheduling any meetings. The consultation is like a preview, giving you a sense of what it would be like to work together. It is a time for you to say out loud what you would like to accomplish in therapy and also speak to what you truly want for your life. And of course, the consultation is a time for you to ask questions you may have about working together. At the end of the consultation, you will have lots of information to help you decide whether you would like to work with me.
Phone: (907) 222-2670
Fax: (907) 222-2671